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  • johannaj59

Promote yourself - you have to invest

I talked last week about "promoting yourself" by doing more that was useful for the company. By putting yourself out there. By using the word promoting here I mean the act of getting your self up the career ladder, not a self seeking publicist. Don't wait for dead man's shoes, make yourself valuable and even indispensable to to the company. So indispensable that good employers will recognise your worth and promote you rather than lose you. This means of course that you need to invest some time and effort. Note that other word in the headline ‘invest’, many people won't see it like this because they don't want their employer to get something for nothing. They don't want to be taken advantage of, they want to get home to their families on time. So make yourself different. The investment helps the company but it’s also for you. It will get you increased experience, make you instantly more valuable  to your current employer and in your future career. And don't be shy.  If you are going to take on extra work and responsibility tell your boss what you were doing and why you are doing it.


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