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  • johannaj59

You won’t do this again

You never get a second chance to make a first impression. If some people are to be believed then most interviewers make up their minds in the first 10 seconds. Whatever the truth, it’s worth making the right impact - introduce yourself confidently - firm handshake, confident voice, good eye contact. Treat the receptionists and other staff with respect, they really will be asked what you were like in many companies and have a couple of pleasantries prepared as you walk to the interview room ("What a great location", "Thanks for the instructions, I came straight here", "When will it stop raining?"), they make a difference too. Then establish the ground rules. How long will the meeting last? How do you address the interviewer? What will the next stage be if you are successful? They’re in control, but so are you. And you’re prepared and you’re confident – what could go wrong now? Good luck.


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