Ask any managing director in our sector and they will all tell you that talent matters. And if talent matters then you will only attract the best if you have a great career brand. Let me take this argument one step further, a really successful employee could earn you £.5m improving in improved performance, year in year out. There aren't many franchises where you could say the same about an individual customer. But every customer that makes an enquiry with you, however speculative, would expect to get a prompt reply. Even if you only convert one out of every 10 enquiries, you would not expect anything less in today's environment. So you do not see websites saying "We get an enormous number of people asking for quotes on vehicles, if we do not back get back to you assume that we are not interested in your business" Now study the recruitment section of many websites in this sector. That is almost word for word the quote from one that I looked at this morning. Why not say “We are one of the leading brands in automotive, one of the most aspirational places to work and we value our potential future employees. We value you so much that we won't even send you an automatic acknowledgement if you register with us?” And I know there are plenty of others like it. And yet many people in HR tell me talent is so difficult to come by in the industry at the moment. Do you wonder when you treat it like that? Want to subscribe to this blog? click here.
- johannaj59