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  • johannaj59

I second that emotion

Do you know the most important factor in determining happiness at work? Not money, not career prospects, not job satisfaction. It is culture. Or rather cultural fit. Do I want the same things as my employer does? Do we see the world the same way? Do we share a common ethos? Do I buy into their goals and aspirations? Do I want to work for them? I recent survey showed that the majority Millennials are prepared to take a pay cut to work for a company whose goals they believe in. A significant minority will not work for a company that is at odds with their world view. The single most quoted reason for a new recruit not lasting long? The promises made at interview never materialised. And most serious promises are the intangibles - "we are a people company", "there are plenty of chances of promotion", "you will be given all the support necessary to do the job", "you need a life outside of work". It has been dubbed the Emotional Contract. Terms that are too vague to be legally binding, but indicate the way that people are expected to work, how they develop, how they interact. If you break it they may not have recourse in law (yet), but they will vote with their feet. Especially the ones you really want to keep, the ones with the "get up and go". Lie to them and they will be the first to get up and go before you even realise what you've done. I second that. Want to subscribe to this blog? click here.


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