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  • Writer's pictureGuy Liddall

We know what you do, not what you've done

If you are going to apply for positions in the motor industry then if you currently work in this sector, can I whisper a little secret? We know what you do. And so does any other recruiter too. What they want from your application or CV is information that tells them about you, not about the role of a parts manager, or service advisor. They are not going to phone the MD and say "I've had an application from a sales executive who seems to be in contact with customers. Just what we want". They all want people who can achieve, who can have a positive impact, who are reliable. What they don't know is how many cars you sell, how many people you manage, what targets you have. Whether you have achieved them. Managers - I know you are required to maximise profit, minimise costs, hit targets, manage people, deal with manufacturers. That is what you do. Put it another way, if David Beckham put a CV together you wouldn't see "Football is a game played between two teams of 11 players..........." He would assume the reader had some prior knowledge. He might say "My role was to patrol the right side of midfield, tackling back where appropriate, passing to the forwards and shooting at goal when in the right part of the field" He might. But he would be much better advised to say :

  1. Manchester United - 265 games, 95 goals

  2. England - 115 games, 58 as Captain, 17 goals What he has done is quite impressive - what he was doing is pretty boring on paper.


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