Apparently this is the most feared question in interviews, and features in more Internet searches than any other interview question. And it's surprising really, because if you think about it it is the one question that you should know all the answers to. But then most candidates are worried about how they express themselves and how they present themselves in the best possible light. Well here's my first tip, don't talk about yourself, talk about the things you've done and achieved, the things that you are most proud of. And give due prominence to the most recent events. It is absolutely fantastic that you got the best A-level results in the country, but if that was 40 years ago I don't think it is going to impress many employers. On the other hand, if you have taken your current dealership from bottom of the manufacturers league to into the top 10 in the last two years they may well sit up and listen. If you just tell them you are an inspirational leader they probably won't take your word for it and ask for some more proof. Achievements, figures, objectively measured results are what matter. The key thing is to expect this question, it will get asked at least 50% of the time in interviews. Prepare and practice your answer and you will be rarely under pressure when you answer it.
- johannaj59