A candidate applied to us last week, explaining that he had reluctantly decided that his daily commute of a 200 mile round trip was too far. He loved the company and the journey had been fine in August when he tried the journey and started. A month when days were long and traffic light because of the summer holidays. The reality is that after 3 to 4 months, especially in the dark, dark days of winter, what looks like a completely reasonable, manageable 1½ -2 hour journey has become a 2½-3 hour nightmare on a daily basis. We understand that, before you have ever applied for the job. Because we have seen it so many times. Anything more than an hour is tricky, more than 90 minutes impossible - in the employer’s eyes, even if it is not in yours. So please do not take offence if we ignore your pleas to do a job that far away, we’ll probably have loads more local applicants, even if they are not as well qualified. Want to subscribe to this blog? click here.
- johannaj59